Welcome to my blog. Thanks for dropping by. Hope you'll stay and enjoy reading about where I've been and what I've been doing!

I don't mean this to be a replacement for personal emails, but it gives me the chance to put up photos and my scrapbook layouts, so I don't block up your in-boxes, or have to send the same photos and stories to everyone separately!
Thanks, and welcome, to the followers of my blog. I'm very honoured that you enjoy it. Drop me some comments from time to time! It's good to hear what you think about the posts. Come back again soon.

Thanks also to Mary of Mary's Mixes for doing all the work on the blog's heading. You are great, Mary!

Friday 8 August 2008

I'm off to France!

No, not quite yet, but I have just spent an age online booking my tickets to Poitiers, to go and visit Ian in September! Crumbs, that's next month!!! Back to the Lace week later. Nearly 3.00 a.m here! Just as well I'm a night owl and not a lark!
Talk again soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh you 'jet setter' you......... & why no...!!!