I left you standing on the landing looking at the cupola and the wood carvings, so now we can have a look at some of the rooms on view upstairs. This is the Red Room - for obvious reasons – taken from the maids’ doorway and looking across to the doorway used by the occupant. The four poster beds are amazing.
There are several rooms off this corridor behind the stairs but we didn’t get to see those. However we did get to see some of the other bedrooms, each with their own fourposter.
There was the Green tapestry bedroom,
with some pretty nicknacks on view – such as this pretty china ornament, the characters unfortunately facing the wrong way for us, and this lovely candlestick incorporated into a tray of little pots. Can you spot them in the photo of the room.
Opposite was a little washroom, more likely where the maids got the washing bowls and jugs of hot water ready for the occupants of the tapestry room and the Cherry bedroom off to the left, though maybe not. The room contains various wash bowls and a wash stand and towel rail, and with a fireplace to the left with a rug in front it would probably be a cosy little room for the morning ablutions, for each room in turn, maybe.
I actually rather think it would only be for the use of the Cherry room – an 18th century en-suite!
This is the Cherry bedroom, so named for the cherry seller in the tapestry. The hangings around the bed have been renovated recently and all incorporate cherry designs.
This beautiful wooden cradle is displayed in the Cherry room. I wonder how many of the Hope family have slept in it over the few hundred years since it was made.
Then our tour took us down the “backstairs” to the entrance hall once more and from there to the butler’s pantry, sort of mixed with other kitcheny stuff. It was really the only servants room we saw so probably incorporated a bit of all the servants downstairs rooms. I’d love to see the kitchen and the other servants rooms, and also the rooms most likely in the attics where the maids and menservants had their quarters – most probably the men well separated from the girls – shades of Downton Abbey if you’ve had the chance to follow it on television. You never get to see the attics in stately homes!
I loved this little display on the table below the other half of the arched window. I wonder what the chicken carcass on the plate was made of!
We had lunch in the Stables tearoom and then were free to wander for a while. Many of us would have enjoyed looking at the gardens but unfortunately the heavens opened and the rain poured down! It was decided to cut the visit short but not before we had leaped over puddles in the front of the house, to get to the ballroom in the opposite wing from the Stables.
It was rather stunning with wonderful candelabra that no doubt would reflect on the beautiful wood floor.
Can you imagine the ballroom filled with dancers twirling round in a waltz, perhaps; the orchestra maybe at the far end of the room under that beautiful trio of windows?
Soon it was time to climb on board our coach – no horses involved – and head back down the drive and on to the road for Peebles. It had been a pleasant outing.
Talk again soon.