Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Two more scrapbook pages

Well, I didn't fall victim of any April Fool tricks today, mainly probably because I wasn't working! It's really been a day for staying at home. Talk about March "coming in like a lion; going out like a lamb"! This March came and went, roaring! However since we put the clocks on at the weekend the temperatures have been more springlike! Even today in the wind and the rain it wasn't cold! Well, I reckon it wasn't cold, but then as you probably know, I don't feel the cold that much! Maybe I've told you the story of one of my B&B guests some years ago, who was really interested in British winter weather. "What do you wear in winter?" she asked me and I told her that most people wore much warmer clothes, but that because I didn't feel the cold I wore the same things in winter as in summer. "My friends say I must be descended from Eskimoes!" I joked. She looked at me enquiringly, moved her head this way and that, studying my face, and eventually she announced seriously....."You don't look like an Eskimo." She really had taken me seriously! Nowadays I have an even better reply. In the course of my family history research I discovered that on my mother's side of the family there was a family named Snowball! Not only that, but one of them was Anthony Snowball, so now I can truthfully say, "I am descended from A. Snowball (a snowball?!!!) I knew I'd mentioned the Snowballs before! It was in February!

Anyway, today's scrapbook pages are to honour two great friends, John and Cyril, whose deaths have quite shattered me, as you know. The first one is for Cyril,
and the second one for John, a picture that was taken about 28 years ago now! Wow, that's incredible! It seems not that long ago at all.
Both these guys were loved lots by everyone, and as they say... the world will be a sadder place without them.

Talk again soon.

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