Friday, 4 April 2008

A map and my nearly cousin!

Well, I don't know if I'll have time in the next few days to blog, although I definitely plan to pop in on Tuesday night to say "I'm off in the morning!" I found a map I could add to my things to the left of the blog, so I will add it there, though I can't see it being large enough to be of any use, so I'll also put it in a scrapbook page which you can hopefully enlarge so if you feel like it you can follow my progress!!! Don't know why some pages enlarge while others don't, by the way - trying to find out - but I hope the map will be one that does!
I don't arrive in NZ till 14th. Australia first, and Clare's wedding on 12th. Still can't believe I'm actually going on this trip, and it probably won't seem real till I'm sitting on that plane! I'm told the airline is really good, so I'm hoping for a comfortable seat, on an aisle so I can get up and stretch my legs - and back - often! I don't want to arrive in Australia bent in half with knees locked in right angles!

Here's a layout using a photo Eunice sent me - so I could recognise them when I get to Invercargill airport! These are Eunice and her husband Keith. I am so looking forward to meeting them. Eunice and I "met" on the internet while researching our family history. I had found myself with a bit of a dilemma as to whether the parents of my John were Jean and John or Catherine and Robert, so making an educated guess I plumped for Jean and John. Eunice was also looking for Jean and John's family so we began corresponding to try and piece together the various branches. However Evelyn hadn't done her homework properly, had she, and it transpired that the educated guess had been a very uneducated guess! It was the other couple, Robert and Catherine, who were my great greats! So Eunice and I weren't related after all! Still we had become friends by this stage so we kept corresponding but that is why I refer to her as my nearly cousin!

So, nearly cousin, I'll see you on 18th - not long now!

And to you all, goodnight!

Talk again soon!


  1. testing to see if anyone can leave a message

  2. wahay! You can!

  3. Oh yes you can & your 'relatives' are in for a treat meeting such a lovely lady....
    Have fun.
