Sunday, 10 June 2012


I think it’s going to be Gardens, Gardens and more Gardens for the next few entries, or maybe I’ll be able to squeeze them into only a couple!  We’ll see!  I seem to have visited a few gardens and a couple of garden centres recently. We visited the first two gardens in East Lothian, on a wet wet day, but it was still enjoyable to wander round.

stobshiel house and pond The gardens of Stobshiel House were the first we explored. stobshiel sculpture deer 





There was an  exhibition of sculptures by Kate Denton in the grounds and in a marquee in the garden. stobshiel sculpture stobshiel sculpture3

stobshiel sculpture4





They were rather lovely!

The gardens were lovely too, a mixture of formal and semi-wild. stobshiel rock garden I can’t remember the whole story but a 9-year old in times past was allowed to create her very own piece of garden, and as a result the rock garden was born! stobshiel front door   

Before we took a walk through the gate to the side garden I took a photo of this beautiful excordia – Pearlbush - and the pink tulips at the front door of the house.stobshiel garden gate with clematis

Then through the gate I couldn’t resist the fabulous clematis.  stobshiel summer house and knot gardenWe were in the knot garden by then with paths wandering around, past the little summer house and past a couple more sculptures, this wonderful macawstobshiel parrot sculpture 

 stobshiel sculpture magpiesand these marvelllous  magpies fighting over the golden ball!  You’ll see them better if you click on them to enlarge the picture.  The flowers were lovely too.stobshiel flower2a

Sorry I don’t know all their names. stobshiel flower



stobshiel hellebores

These are hellebores - below.

stobshiel excordia

stobshiel flower1a

stobshiel flower3




That’s the excordia again on the left, – another one.

Well, I was going to try and fit the other garden visit in, but it’s late and I need to get some sleep, so more from East Lothian next time.

Talk again soon.


  1. It was a wet day! I've noted this one down as a place to visit. I love knot gardens and that wee garden house is so cute. I don't know what those flowers are either, must dig out my books.

  2. I'm afraid this one isn't often open to the public, Katrina. It was open under the Gardens Scotland scheme,but our visit was with the U3A gardening group.
    The little garden house was cute. I could have lived in it happily!
