Sunday, 14 August 2011

A day out in the rain

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Well,you can see that it wasn’t the best of days when Linda and I took a drive out to Smeaton Garden Centre near East Linton.  The rain was just chucking it down, and the poor flowers weren’t half taking a battering.Smeaton merryhatton 012 

Last time we were here we sat outside under one of these umbrellas, on one of the hottest afternoons.  No-one was venturing outside to eat this time.   Instead we had lunch in the old glass house cafe, and listened to the rain hitting the glass roof.Smeaton merryhatton 003 When we eventually came outside to have a look around, the rain was still pouring down, but we just had to put up with it and get wet! 

The beautifully trained apple tree growing flat against the wall made me think of what my own apple tree at home should look like!  It will – next year!  As you will soon see, my garden is getting a make-over, so I was on the lookout for some new plants.  Smeaton merryhatton 026 Instead of taking notes of names, the camera was put to good use taking photos of labels, so that I can look at them now and remember what they are and what they look like.

This little pink climbing rose would look good along the trellis at the back of the garden, or perhaps this one…Smeaton merryhatton 027

I also want a more unusual clematis, and think this might be the one  Not usually a fan of double flowers, I wouldn’t say no to this one. Smeaton merryhatton 038It’s very pretty!

So, what else do I want in my new look garden?  I couldn’t resist the lovely hydrangea paniculata,Smeaton merryhatton 029 and bought one to bring home.

It’s so delicate and lacy!

Maybe one of these spirea shrubs would be niceSmeaton merryhatton 067.

I’m not much into yellow and orange flowers but rather liked the vivid colours of the marigolds and… oh dear, what are they called again?Smeaton merryhatton 042



My brain cells are shrinking by the minute!!!  Now I really don’t know the name of this one!  It’s quite startling!Smeaton merryhatton 034 

I don’t know that I would want it in my garden though.  I do prefer brighter coloured flowers.  Smeaton merryhatton 024A rowan is a must for a Scottish garden.  Tradition is that it keeps witches away.  It works!  I have a rowan at the entrance to my garden and not a single witch have I ever seen in my garden!!!  This was an attractive one.  I thought I would remember its name – but I haven’t! 

Smeaton merryhatton 045I like coloured foliage too.  The rowan has a premature autumn tinge, but this is a beautiful coppery red all year round. Smeaton merryhatton 010 




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Back to the flowers.  I’m just going to add a few more photos before we leave Smeaton and head to Merryhatton.  Isn’t that a fabulous name!Smeaton merryhatton 035




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 Smeaton Garden Centre is situated in the walled garden of the old house that was demolished some decades ago.  This is what it looked like, quite an impressive building.  Shame so many of these beautiful big houses have disappeared.

Well, I think I’ll save Merryhatton till next time, along with my photos from today’s Open Gardens Scheme.  Hey, I’m about caught up! 

Talk again soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Evee, the plant you couldn't recall is Scabiosa atropurpurea 'Chile Black'. Glad you enjoyed your trip to the nursery and thanks for posting your photo's on the net! Steve McCready (Smeaton Manager).
