Sunday, 24 April 2011

Glassmount Walled Garden

A group of us from the U3A  gardening group went off to Fife last week to see two quite different walled gardens.  We left Peebles , three car-loads of us, around 10.00a.m, drove round the Edinburgh by-pass, and across the Forth road bridge, then following the coast we came to Kirkcaldy – oops, too far, according to the directions ,so we retraced our route and tried to follow instructions.  Well, we got quite lost and despite written directions we kept driving up and down the same road looking for the right turn-off till we finally found someone to ask.  We got there eventually, comforted that the others had had problems finding it too!  glassmount 000 Glassmount House really is in the back of beyond.   Apparently it was built by/for three, or was it five, spinster sisters in the 19th century.  Presumably they were somewhat reclusive!

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We were able to have a quick cup of tea in the rambling old rather tumbledown conservatory. before being directed to the walled garden which has been reclaimed by the current owners. It was my type of garden!  Formal and extremely tidy is not for me!  Gardens like that are certainly very beautiful, but I like a wilder look, and this garden was just that!  It had been allowed to get totally out of control until a few years ago when the current owner , Irene, took it on!  glassmount 015Now there are wandering   paths, steps, pergolas, summer houses, large pots, flowerbeds……glassmount010





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…..and the spring flowers were so pretty.glassmount 032

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glassmount 034 I could show you all the pictures I took, but perhaps I’ll limit myself to just a few more.   We could have wandered the garden for hours, but knew we had to be at Wemyss Castle by 2.30 and fit in lunch beforehand.glassmount 045glassmount 047





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In the end, lunch was a picnic we ate in the cars as we headed towards Wemyss!  No time for a proper one!! 

Part 2 next time!

Talk again soon.

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