Monday, 6 December 2010

More snow!

today's snow 004 Well, it doesn’t look like I’ll be doing much outside today, as it is snowing heavens hard – again!  Just when it was getting easier to move about outside – buses, trains, even planes, were back on; Peebles High Street had just about been totally cleared of snow and it was nice to walk outside…. and this morning we woke up to more of the white stuff, and it doesn’t look as if it is going to stop any time soon.

 today's snow 010 It’s looking very pretty out of the window though,today's snow 005 with snow on all the tree branches, but $@#&!  Why is it falling now instead of waiting till January or even February?  Yes, I know about the jet stream kinking over Greenland.  I’m just thinking rhetorically!  Wonder why it did that though  That’s not a rhetorical question.  You can tell me, if you know the answer!!! In words of one syllable though, if you please. 

today's snow 002So what to do today?  I had hoped to be having lunch with David who lives a couple of miles out in the country, but the snow will be as bad there as here I expect!  I could get on with some family history stuff entering data onto FamilyTreeMaker or on one of the search websites;  I could do some digi-scrapbooking – I’ve promised a couple of people I’d do a layout for them – oh, I hear a plane!  It’s just a small one, but a plane nonetheless.  The airport must still be open! – I could wrap some Christmas presents….. anything but get down to the chores that badly need to be done!

A tiny wren has just hopped along my balcony floor.  There she goes again.  Poor wee bird!  I must get some bird food and put it out there.  today's snow 001That’s what I’ll do next!  I’ll take a walk along the street to the hardware shop and buy some seed and some peanuts.  Time for chores later!

Talk again soon.

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