Sunday, 28 November 2010

More about the consternation

Further to the story of my car on the High Street,  I discovered the police had also been along to the charity shop where I work one morning a week, to see if anyone there knew where I might be, and had also found my downstairs neighbour’s man-friend’s house when they didn’t find her in!  It’s definitely what Linda, my city friend, calls Small-town-itis!  Nice to know they will make this sort of effort!

Anyway, that same day, Tuesday, toothache that had been niggling for a day or so, settled in with a vengeance.  Despite pain killers I didn’t sleep that night, and next day I delayed going up to Edinburgh for the last day of our Gaelic course till I had got a prescription for stronger painkillers.  It wasn’t until Thursday that I got an appointment at the dentist – and after having an xray of the gum which was by this time throbbing and swollen, she decided there was an infection in the tooth that acts as a post for a capped tooth, but thankfully no abcess.  After a couple of shots of anaesthetic Mary proceeded to remove the nerve in what I had thought was a dead tooth.  That was awful as it set off the next tooth, which wasn’t numbed, jangling.  By the time she was done, I felt quite ill.  Coming home, and dosing up with the painkillers I could only think of going to bed, and managed to sleep for a couple of hours. 

By yesterday morning the pain in the other tooth had indeed settled as Mary had said it probably would, but it still niggles enough to continue taking the occasional dose of painkillers.  And I have to go back  on Thursday next week for completion of root canal treatment!

By the way, when I finally got to Edinburgh on Wednesday, the last day of the course went well but now is when we have to get stuck into the hard work .  I don’t know about the others but I rather missed going to the classes on the next couple of days.  However I haven’t felt like getting into the Gaelic since my visit to the dentist!  Haven’t settled to anything really

  Then last night it began to snow!  We had missed it the day 27 11 first snow of 2010before but during the night we got about 3 inches, and after a dry day today, I see it has started to flurry again now.  Oh this is too early for snow.  The forecast warns that this cold spell could continue for a couple of weeks.  November 012

How I wish I could hibernate for a while!

Talk again soon.

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