Monday, 27 September 2010

Horoscope for today

“Today you might have the opportunity to attend a group activity that could be involved with intellectual or spiritual pursuits, Aries. At this event you could be introduced to some interesting people from distant places, or who are in intriguing professions, and who share a lot of your interests. You'll definitely enjoy the company of those whom you meet, and learn a lot in the process.”

So said my horoscope on my Yahoo page today!  So, what did I do tonight?  I drove about 45 minutes up the road to Newbattle Abbey College’s enrolment night  to sign up for a Gaelic course I heard about at their Open Day in September.  There I met Deirdre, the tutor, and two other prospective classmates.  Deirdre is actually from Ireland, and though she learned Irish in her youth, when she came over to Scotland, she decided to learn Gaelic, and now teaches it.  She is a sound artist.  Now don’t ask, I didn’t find out what and how, but I will!  It was quite intriguing!  Oh, does that word sound familiar?  Two others signed up for the class, William, on whom I will reserve judgement for now – he didn’t stick around – and Petra, from Germany, who feels her spiritual home is in Scotland - but more particularly in the Highlands.  She would like nothing better than to find herself a small cottage, maybe on a croft, taking photographs and using her computer to show them to the world.  Sound a bit like someone you know, perhaps?  Deirdre gave us a small demonstration on how the Gaelic class will work.  It involves speaking right from the start, with a lot of sound recognition and word and phrase repetition.  Sounds interesting!

There was a refreshments table – I stuck to the orange juice, seeing as how I had to drive home – and some entertainment was also laid on.  An Irish dancer “stepped” her way around a small area of the abbey crypt, and a trio of lassies sang folk songs, children’s songs, and others that I knew from the folk clubs of my youth.  (Now by now you would have expected to see some  photos, wouldn’t you!  Yes, well, I had my camera with me, but when I couldn’t get it to work, I opened it up to maybe  remove and replace the battery.  That sometimes gets it going again when it’s playing up  - life of its own! ……  Oops!  No battery!  ….. I’d left it recharging at home!!!   Oh well, no photos tonight then!)   I spoke with the girls later as they realised I’d been joining in the singing, and learned that there is a folk club in Melrose every fortnight that I  didn’t know about, which maybe I’ll  go along to sometime!   (I can’t go to the Peebles one as it’s on choir night. ) Two of the girls – I say girls, but maybe they’re just a teeny bit older than that – were interested in my surname, as both of them were into the family history thing and had people in their trees with the same name.  I didn’t actually pursue it.  At the moment I have enough on my plate sorting out another branch!!!  Just recently I have had a host of information, and contact with formerly unknown distant relatives in far flung places.  It’s great!

So, a good night was had by all – and never have I had such an accurate horoscope as I had today!  I only read it tonight after the event, but felt I had to tell you about it!

Talk again soon.

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