Thursday, 19 August 2010

All good things must come to an end

Just a few photos today at the end of our wonderful week.  cuillins2 We had no fantastic sunsets this year – too much cloud most of the time, even on a good day,

kintyre5 014


but there were one or two evenings when breaks in the cloud allowed the sun though for a few moments, but sometimes silhouettes were just as striking.  This is Gripper with the nose of the headland, and Skye in the distance.doune w dun head gripper

The smaller of the buoys is a marker for Jane’s lobster pots.  We often see her going out in the RIB to check them, and reset them after a catch.

We haven’t had lobster as such for a meal for a while, but this is what we generally look forward to on our last night – prawns!  Prawns gu leoir!  The Gaelic there led to the word Galore!  ‘S math sin! is another Gaelic expression we use in English, by the way.  It’s pronounced smashin  We just add a G to the end.  It means That’s good!  Anyway – prawns!  prawnsFrom head to tail they must be about 6 inches long!  We break off the heads, crack open the shells and extract the meat to eat with various delicious salad choices.  ‘S math sin!   It’s a messy meal but we do enjoy it!

gripper II


Back to the boats and the weather!   This was Gripper out in the bay as usual one day, but Skye had disappeared in the mist!  


and here’s Andy in the RIB returning to the pier after mooring Mary Doune in the bay.

andy in the RIB


Meanwhile down at the pier, George and Ewan were fishing, and before long there was to be one proud young and his wrasse



George had caught a wrasse!  Andy doesn’t reckon much to their flavour so after the obligatory photo, the wrasse was thrown back into the water to live another day!  I think it was a fine end for George’s holiday too!

the jigsaw At the wooden lodge the jigsaw that Janet, Norma and Sheila had been working on – but hadn’t managed to finish – was put away, bags were packed, and after breakfast on Saturday we walked with heavy hearts down to the pier to re-board Mary Doune for the journey back to Mallaig.  waving goodbye Martin, Jane and Liz were there to wave us off, and soon we were on our way.  Farewell, Doune, till next year.farewell to doune 2010

loch nevis viewWe had wonderful cloudy views up Loch Nevis with the sun’s rays shining on Inverie , as we crossed to Mallaig….  skye ferry mallaig



…where the ferry for Armadale, on Skye, was in.  Maybe Janet would catch it and get home earlier than she anticipated.  mallaig

We moored at the foot of the steps at the old pier.  One last photo is of the old harbour  - no boats on the slipway today – before we disembarked.

Margaret and Lisbet were catching the train to Glasgow. Joan and Sheila were making for Inverness by car, while Norma and I were bound for Fort William, where Norma would carry on back home, and I would stop off at Janet’s mum’s house and then drive through the Great Glen to Inverness.  My travels were not over yet!

Talk again soon.

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