Sunday, 27 June 2010

Playing Catch-up

Well, it has been an action packed few days since Eunice and Keith arrived, and we have had a wonderful time together.   Their son Ken arrived to join them last Sunday too.   queensferry north forth bridge harbour light tower queensferry north eke2We’ve been to





Queensferry, over the Forth to North Queensferry (left) culross mercat squareand


Culross, the 15/16th century village once a thriving coal mining village, and now restored as a visitor attraction as well as living village, culross nunnery


culross studio




culross tron and palace

and when Ken arrived we drove down to North Berwick one day, via the picturesque villages of nb drem Drem and nb dirleton kirk Dirleton





to visit the seabird centre where we could see on CCTV nb gannets on the Bass the gannet colony out on the Bass Rock – the largest gannet colony in the world  -  nb Bass Rock over golf course





nb puffinand watch video footage of the various  other seabirds to be found around the rock, like this puffin.



nb suttons

Coming from winter in New Zealand Eunice, Keith and Ken were enjoying the summer weather here, and so was I!   We don’t get enough of it normally, these days!


Talk again soon.

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