Friday, 2 April 2010

How time flies!

I can’t believe how quickly time flies by these days.  Yesterday was Thursday and time for art class again.  Sadly this was the last in the session, but it was as much fun as the previous weeks had been.  After an exercise to warm up – no stretches or jumping up and down, just each of us drawing the left half of an ornament, then moving round one place to the right to complete your neighbour’s picture by drawing the right half – we copied photos or other pictures we liked.  art5 005

As usual John was the star, with first his seascape and lighthouse,

and then with his mountains and loch scene.

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The rest of us soldiered on, and though none of us was particularly happy with our own picture, we all admired each other’s, and praised what each had done.

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Here’s Mary showing off her picture.  (The white  hand, by the way, was one of the ornaments from the first exercise!)

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This is Ruby’s road….art5 004



……Margaret’s sunset


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and finally…. my sunset!

They all look better in the photos, but I don’t think we did  too badly at all!

Talk again soon.

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