Tuesday, 30 March 2010

We’re cooking with gas again!

All seems to be going well again, so fingers crossed!  I spent well over an hour or so conversing with Shrey in Delhi by phone the other day, but by the end of the call he had sorted my internet problem, with great patience and good humour.  I usually complain bitterly about call centres in India, but Shrey was great.  I explained to him early on that I was unfamiliar with his accent so I might have to ask him to repeat himself several times, and I did, and he was OK with that.  So, I should think it would be a miracle if he was ever to read this, but thanks Shrey!

Well then, you know the saga of my gas fire and the gas leak?  Well the other day I drove over to West Linton where I bought the stove a few years ago, to order a new control valve to replace the one the gas fitter now reckons is causing the leak.  It turned out to be a bit more complicated than just giving the make and model.  I’d need a serial number.  And where would that be?  Well, by now, back home and speaking on the phone, I was told it could be under the front of the fire.   Under?   How are you supposed to be able to get at it there?   Well no it wasn’t there.  I couldn’t feel any plate  or a label stuck on.  The back then?   So, I moved the oil lamp and the clock that sit on the plinth either side of the fire and knelt on the slate to look over the top of the fire.  Yes, there was a label, but being in the corner I couldn’t get  to the back of the fire to see it!  You’d need to be a contortionist!  I had to put the phone down, and find a torch and a mirror before I could at last see the serial number in the mirror.  Are you any good at reading mirror writing?  I used to be, but the writing on the label was quite faint, and the label was fixed at a right angle to the back of the fire.  I would need my glasses on before I’d be able to decipher it!  Another trip followed to the bedroom where my specs were, and I got back to the fire once more.  A good deal of twisting and turning later – and that was just the mirror – I finally managed to get me and the mirror at the right angles to be able to read the number.    It is just as well the fire is no longer where it used to be, enclosed within the old fireplace, as there would have been the snowball’s chance in hell of reading the label, or of even finding it!!   So now I take it that the correct control valve can now be ordered, and that I will have my fire working again by the end of the week!  Of course, it might not be the control valve that is leaking……….

Talk again soon.

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