Sunday, 14 March 2010

I need a diary!

I have to carry a diary about with me these days!  I never had to do that before I retired!!!  It’s true what they say about wondering how you had time to go to work!!!

So, Thursday, I worked the morning at the BHF shop and in the afternoon drove down to Melrose for our second lesson in pastel drawing.  hazel a melrose After a bit of technique teaching, Hazel got us drawing tulips she had bought that morning!  Oh dear! 





Well, all I can say about mine is that you CAN tell it’s a tulip – I think!

jug of flowers

Then  we started to get to grips with a still life – the jug of tulips.  I would say I take a better photo! jug of flowers.real Of course I was sitting when I was drawing, and took the photo after I stood up, so the angle’s a bit different!

On Friday morning the BHF team did our 50,000 steps Stepathon to raise funds!  Five of us set off on a walk through the town, up the hill to Haylodge park.  Following the high wall that separates the park from the road we came to the far end, and descended a rough path by a burn (Scottish stream!) to the bank of the river Tweed.  misc art peebles 011

With the river on our right we walked by these beautiful old trees, mostly lime trees (not the fruiting type), to reach the Fotheringham footbridge, where we stopped for a photo shoot!!!BHF photoshoot

Our route then took in the bridge and the path along the opposite bank, to the road bridge over Tweed, passing the controversial natural islandTweed island that has built up

over the last 30 or so years.  Crossing the road, and down the other side to the riverbank again, we soon reached Priorsford footbridge, and crossed it,the gytes BHF but instead of turning left and back to the town we turned right, past the allotments,  turning along by the Gytes sports centre and its floodlightable rugby pitch to return towards town where cups of tea and biscuits awaited us back at the shop.  Meanwhile those left behind in the shop had been doing their bit by measuring their steps on pedometers.  Even when standing tagging and pricing stock in the store room they were marching on the spot to add their quota to our total – and didn’t we do well!!!  Now to collect the money pledged!

Talk again soon.

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