Friday, 19 February 2010

A day of incidents

The carpet fitters arrived this afternoon with my new carpet for the new living room.  They took an hour and a half to put down the swanky new underlay they use these days and the carpet I chose, during which time I had to go to the dentist  to have a refit of a capped tooth that fell out the other day!  My own dentist is relocating to a new surgery – further away on the other side of the river -  and is closed till Monday, so emergency appointments are being covered by another local dentist.  Well, he refitted the cap to the tooth – back to front as it turned out, but I didn’t realise that till I got home, though I did think it uncomfortable at the time.  I was inspecting it in the mirror when I got home, when it wobbled and promptly fell out again!!!  Not going back!  I’ll wait till my own dentist re-opens on Monday!

Anyway the carpet guys were still at work when I got back, just finishing off the edges.  It looks great!  So tonight I carried on with – and finished the painting.  It looks OK, and the black stove and flue look fabulous against the vanilla white background as opposed to the primrose yellow that was there before.  Tomorrow Morag is going to help me move some of the furniture, so apart from a few odds and ends to do later, the room will be finished!!!  Photos will follow when the furniture is in!!!

Did I tell you there seemed to be a gas leak from the stove last week?  I kept smelling gas when I went into the room and eventually it got quite strong so I turned the supply off and called the emergency gas number.  The guy arrived quite promptly and confirmed that there was a leak from the joint between pipe and fire.  The gas-fitter who installed it came back to fix it but couldn’t detect a leak at all!  Of course, no smell by this time as the supply had been off for a while!  So he reckoned it was OK and I could use the gas again!  However, a few days later the smell was back, and it got worse, especially near the stove itself.  Again I turned the supply off at the meter and phoned the gas-fitter again who is quite baffled!  Anyway he’s coming to test it again tomorrow.  I wonder if I should get the emergency gas chappie back as well.  He doesn’t fix things just tests the supply and then pronounces it OK or otherwise!  If it’s otherwise then he just caps off  the supply at the meter, issues a “danger” certificate with info for the gas-fitter, and leaves you to it!  (They do contact you in a day or two to check that you did something about it!)

Oh well, I’ve raked an electric heater out of the attic so I’m not quite as cold as I might have been.  It’s pretty frosty these nights, so it will be good to have my fire back!

Talk again soon.

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