Saturday, 16 January 2010

The big thaw

Well, I’m getting my wish! thaw begun The big thaw has begun and at last I can see green grass outside my window – big patches of it – but there’s still a lot of snow left.   I can also see a BIG river so that will be the next problem, more flooding!  Tweed is already over its banks in places, but will no doubt rise a lot more as the thaw continues. bridge high water

I really wonder how the daffodil bulbs alongside the river’s edge survive these high waters, but each year they pop up again.  I am so looking forward to seeing them again  this year, around March.  However, it’s still only January and I doubt we’ve seen the last of winter weather  just yet, more’s the pity. but at least we are on the right side of the year now, with the days already lengthening ever so slightly.  That’s something to keep us going throughout the next couple of months when it looks dreich (dull and dismal) for days on end, as it no doubt will..

Talk again soon.

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