I'm going to give my blog a rest for a couple of weeks as I am going off to France on Monday to visit my -dare I say - old friend, Ian. He's actually only 3 weeks older than me, but we have known each other for about 43 years, so in that sense, old! We're just recycled teenagers otherwise! Anyway I hope to have lots to tell when I get back! We have to celebrate our 60ths together - a bit overdue, but at least before either of us reaches 61 - visit some Christmas markets, drink some wine, do some exploring and maybe even wave a paintbrush or two over a wall or two of his house! I'll get to see the pussycats, and the changes he has made in the house since my last visit, and we might even celebrate Christmas early too!
The photo is of Ian with his son, CC the cat, daughter and grandson outside his house in the summer. I can see differences already!
So, take care for now and I'll talk with you again around 17th/18th!
Oh Evee, have a great time with yor friend. Look forward to seeing the photos.