OK! Off to the P.O.
And I'm back! The bleep bleep Post Office is closed for refurbishments! Not open again till Thursday! My first sale and I can't keep to the time schedule for posting it! As Victor Meldrew would have said, "I don't beleeeeeeeeeve it!" Anyway I have emailed the buyer to explain the situation, so we'll see whether she's prepared to wait or whether she wants reimbursed!
Talking of books, did I tell you about the book I left at a Peebles bistro in the hopes that someone might pick it up and take it home ? No I don't believe I did!
One day in the Co-op somebody left a book of the poems of Robert Burns lying on a shelf. It had a label on it to say it wasn't lost but on a journey. The person who had left it hoped someone else would take it home and maybe read it then leave it somewhere else! So I took it home with me, looked up the website it gave (Bookcrossing) with a book number, and I was able to register the find. Then the other day I took it out with me to lunch with Linda, and surreptitiously planted it on a chair at the next table! That would have been that if one of the sharp-eyed waitresses had not spotted it as we were leaving. "Is this yours?" So I had to explain the story, and they decided to play along.
Well, the one of the girls was in the shop the other night and told me someone did pick it up and asked if she could have it! I'm hoping to hear on the website just where it has gone! I'll let you know!
So to finish off for today - a photo! Not of books, but of Cosmos and Jinty, a couple of weeks ago!
Talk again soon.