Saturday, 20 September 2008

Better weather?

The river wasn't as high as I expected it to be the day after my last blog with all that rain! It was a very grey day - dreich, as we'd say up here. That's pronounced dreech (ch as in loch)! It means grey, damp, dull kind of weather, so it really wasn't worth taking photos! Anyway, I doubt if I'll have time to do any blogging over the weekend as I will be preparing for my trip to France. I leave on Monday morning for London, then have lots of hanging around waiting for my flight to France, getting there about teatime!

So between now and then, if it's not getting things ready for packing, it will be tidying up at home. Moosie hamster needs a clean out too as she is going up to Edinburgh to Linda's while I am away! I'm taking her up there tomorrow!

So! I shouldn't imagine I'll be able to blog from Ian's place in France as he says his internet connection is worse than useless! He can manage emails but not much else!!! It could well be next weekend - Sunday - before I get back here! So, in the meantime, take care.

Talk again soon.

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