Thursday, 17 July 2008

Knoydart, here we come!

photo by AndyDoune

Help!!!!!!! I'm off to Knoydart tomorrow morning and still haven't packed or even looked out some of my stuff! I know the midges will be out in force over on the west coast so I HAVE to find the stuff I use to deter them!

I'll be away for about ten days with no access to PC, so will start blogging with more photos when I get back! Meanwhile here's a website for you to look at! and a picture.

Anyway the point of this message is to say I can't blog the wedding reception tonight! I haven't time, but I do have a couple of pics ready to upload so they will have to suffice.

It's Sally and Andrew dancing the Bridal waltz. It was a fuzzy picture in the first place but I decided to follow my friend Vina's advice - Emphasise, don't improvise! so I have made the mood all soft and romantic, and I don't think the fuzziness matters!

And the next pic is of dad Ian making his speech at the reception, with Mum Berny waiting at the side for her turn!

Another fuzzy one I had to play with! It's not great but it will do just fine!!!

OK! All for now!
Talk again soon!

1 comment:

  1. I think the 'wedding waltz' photo looks sooooo "DREAMY".
