Friday, 27 June 2008

Reaching Maureen's at Mot

This is a view along the Buller River with the autumn colours that I meant to put in yesterday's blog but I'll just start with it today.

This is Lake Rotoroa (not Rotorua) in the Nelson Lakes National Park. There is good walking in the Park, and although overnight stays may be made en route, the water taxi can ferry walkers to and from points that converge on the lakeside, making it possible to do short stretches, perhaps in a day.

The next few pics could almost be of Scottish mountains.

Nearing Motueka

The main route north was on the other side of this bridge but I decided to do a short drive on the opposite side, following the Motueka river.

and here is Maureen's little cottage at Motueka. It was on the climbing rose that I saw the butterfly in the next shot. It was twice or thrice the size of our butterflies!

I had to adjust the lighting and the exposure in this photo to get the butterfly to be visible, so the sky and the rose hips are not as vibrant as they were in reality.

There's a lemon tree in Maureen's garden and feijoas land in her flowerbeds from a tree next door.

These are feijoas! They have a very strong perfume, not at all unlike Ralgex the deap heat cream you rub in to relieve sore muscles! These ones tasted OK but they need to be riper!

Maureen and I pose for a photo beside the beautifully painted screens, done by Maureen's landlady's daughter. You can get a better impression of them in the next shot below.

I think this is so nice.

Next time I'll show you photos taken on the two days I spent with Maureen. However for now it is time to say goodnight.

Talk again soon.

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