Thursday, 21 February 2008

Spring is coming!

Well, hello again,
Haven't blogged for a few days! It's finding time to make new scrapbook pages and write a blog, and go to work! I'm raking out old layouts as well as trying to make new ones. Today I have an old one for you. Despite the fact that we have had some beautiful weather for about 10 days in a row, it is still cold, though hopefully it won't get so cold that we get the type of weather in the photo below!
This photo was taken a couple of years ago at least, in Fife, near to a farm where an ancestor had been tenant in the 1700s! The frost had been really hard and these seed heads looked fantastic - just yelling out to be photographed. I entered the layout in a Challenge on one of the websites I use for scrapbooking, and got quite a number of favourable comments!!! I was pretty chuffed! I think the quote was by Geoffrey Chaucer - he of the Canterbury Tales. It's in old English anyway!

So, the weather we have had has brought the bulbs into flower. I have my snowdrops, though they are fairly scant and scattered; crocuses, still waiting for the purply ones to flower though; and a few grape hyacinths (or muscari) in a pot, to be planted in the garden when the flowers go back. Actually the primroses are already trying to bloom too, and they shouldn't be out till April and May! Everything's going topsy turvy.
Today I made a layout about Spring coming - using the photos of the bulbs in my garden. I was fascinated to see just how the crocus shoots had forced their way through some of the old dead leaves - not between them, but actually through them!
So here's the Promise of Spring, out of the darkness of winter, into the light of spring! Well that's what I was trying to convey here, though it wasn't my plan to do that! It just evolved! That's what all my scrapbook pages do! They aren't planned! They evolve and then ideas hit me! It seems that all scrapbookers have their own way of working! Some plan the layout first and add in the photos and other elements. I start with the photos, arranging them on my page, then perhaps I'll add a title or some other text. Then comes the background and finally the embellishments! Each page can take a while to compose! Sometimes I rearrange all the pieces at the last minute, and sometimes I change the backgrounds or the shape of the photos then too! Often though all the pieces end up back where they started! This one had a few alterations made before I was satisfied!
Well, I guess I had better get going again - a Spanish class this afternoon, picking up after school Spanish from 40-plus years ago! We'll see how I get on!
Talk again soon then!
Take care.

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