Friday, 11 January 2008

Winter hits Peebles!

Well, it's not just Peebles that's in "the grip of winter", but this is what it was like here last week! It snowed and snowed, lasted all of a day and a half, then it turned to rain and the snow was gone! The school kids were still on holiday from school so they enjoyed it, even if the rest of us found it a bit of a pain in the neck. It's so pretty to look at through the window, but being out in it is not so much fun. I heard that there were a few broken limbs in the town, thanks to the icy conditions!

For those of you who don't know, that's my flat on the left of the lower picture, the upper part of the white house! Nice view, huh? It's still always a bit of a breathtaking moment, waking up to the view across the river to the hills to the south of the town! I just love it!

So, let me introduce you to some of my friends and rellies. My great friend here in Peebles is Morag - good Gaelic name there - a patchworker, quilter and teacher of lip-reading! She herself is hard of hearing, and taught herself to lip read. We met when we were both doing Bed & Breakfast about 15 years ago. She is married to Michael and has a son, Rory, from her first marriage. Obviously this layout was made in the summer, when we would often sit on her patio with bowls of strawberries and cream when the weather was good enough!!! 2007 wasn't the sunniest of summers!
So, another blog soon, and an introduction to another of my friends!
In the meantime, take care!

1 comment:

  1. Love it... you're so good with your 'script'... Keep them coming. Mary
