Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Hello Thought I'd show you some views of the countryside round Peebles and I remembered a really unusual Christmas card I received last month. It was a CD of photos taken by Jon Redpath during 2007. They're not all local photos but have been taken all round Scotland, and I know I want to use a number of them in my digi scrapbooking.
This is the first of them then, a photo taken in the park on the edge of the town in the autumn. The park used to be the parkland of the Hay Lodge, a big house belonging to the Hay family in the 1800s. The Lodge is now part of our local hospital and medical practices. It's a beautiful park with the river Tweed running along the edge, fabulous mature trees, and plenty of green space for rugby games, the agricultural show, highland games.... various of the events that take place there.
This is a superb photo by Jon, and such a wonderful idea for a Christmas present. Look out for some more of his pictures in due course.
This is a page I did quite some time ago for a challenge on a scrapbooking website on the four seasons - my own photos this time. The summer picture of the grasses beside the river with the bridge in the background, is the stretch of river I see from my windows, while the snowy one is along a higher stretch, along the river path to the park. The autumn tree, a beech, bottom right, is the same tree as in the winter picture. It's a favourite tree of mine. I often take photos of it.
The spring photo of the ewe and lambs was taken further upstream, away from the river, but not far from it. Right now the thought of spring is quite appealing! New leaves on the trees, bulbs flowering in the garden, lambs, warmer weather (hopefully).... Spring IS coming! The sun is shining today, first time for a while, but more rain is forecast - lots of it! Parts of southern England seems to be suffering from severe flooding just now so I hope we don't have such problems coming our way. I'll let you know!
All for now then. Talk soon.
By the way, if you want to make a comment or pass on any news, just click on Comments, and you can add something there without having to send a whole email!

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